Well. I am being proactive and called Disability Rights Advocates to inquire as to if they will take on my case with being denied reasonable accommodations with the NY State Family therapy lisencing exam. I’ll know sometime next week if they will take on my case.
The V.A. has made great strides in accommodating me with the primary database I need to record and view my case notes. I’m able to do at least 50% of my job with the changes but it’s still a work in progress.
The exam process, however, has morphed into an ugly snake with a wicked bite. Not only has the State of NY denied me, the cop out is “we just don’t know when the changes will take place,”. Wow, since I found out the testing contractor, PES has made it an option for test takers to use screen magnification, why can’t they also offer screen reading software? I never got a straight answer and I don’t plan to let them slide on this. I’ll post as soon as I know if DRA will take me on.
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