Thought Wheel

Ann Chiappetta

Some Accomplishments

| Filed under writing

Last year I was voted in as a director of the ACB guide dog Affilliate, Guide Dog Users, Inc. Since then, I’ve learned how to get along with our Board of Directors, {insert rueful grin}. It’s been challenging and quite fulfilling to put my skills to work for such a worthy organization and I plan to say on board for a long time, following term limits, of course.

I never thought I’d be able to tolerate politics but my training as a therapist has helped beyond what I thought it could. For instance, the skills I’ve learned regarding group process have already given me the understanding and boundaries key to being part of a high-powered broad spectrum of abilities and personalities while still being able to keep a professional perspective. At times, however, it’s been hard for me not to take things personally, especially when another person purposefully intends to do so and it’s obvious.

After something like that, I think, I should’ve taken more industrial psychology classes, hehehehe.

It’s been an enriching experience, don’t let me spin it the wrong way — I plan to stick around and keep the organization in the highest regard.

This year was especially busy. I chaired a task force designated to hire a professional web design studio to bring our decrepit website into the 21st century. It went well and we’re wrapping up the first half of it. Go to: to see the result of the task force’s work.

I think I’d like to find out how I could be part of other Boards but only when my activity with GDUI eases and this won’t be for a while yet.

The other membership I’m proud to be a part of is the Graduate Council at my guide dog school, Guiding Eyes for the Blind, What a wonderful family atmosphere. They take great care of my dog as well as my concerns regarding her, I made the right choice when I picked them for consideration. If you read Left Foot Foward, The First Year, and other dog related posts from 2010 you’ll get the stories behind my appreciation.

So, that’s all for now, folks, have a great June/Summer Solstice and goodbye for now.

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