Thought Wheel

Ann Chiappetta

Guest Poet Blue April

| Filed under blogging Poem writing

A Poem By Blue April

thinking of You, Me, Us

all alone in my room
no one’s awake

thinking of you, me, us.

4:30 a.m. lying down
staring at the darkness

thinking of you, me, us.

I turn on the TV
the song plays and

I’m thinking of you, me, us.

on the floor
hours pass, all alone

again, thinking of you, me, us.

together better in a dream
so I sleep

still thinking of you, me, us

 2010

2024 Creativity Check-In ✅

| Filed under assistive technology blogging nonfiction novel writing pets and people Poem reviews writing

The 2024 Creativity Check-In


“Rejected pieces aren’t failures; unwritten pieces are.”

—    Greg Daugherty.


It felt like a year of rejections. I’d increased submitting my work in 2023, mostly poems. The ‘R’ dominated the accepted/rejected submissions column on my spreadsheet.


It was a pivotal point in my writing life.  I admit I pouted, my husband remarked I sounded cranky. I asked a few of my trusted friends what they thought of my poems. In general, they said my poems were understandable, made them feel something and the imagery and metaphor wasn’t confusing or trite. A good response. But I wanted my poems to be better.  I wanted to learn how to craft poetry with memorable themes, with a message, once read, would not be easy to forget. Based on the number of rejections from editors I was not reaching those goals, at least not yet. I did not want my work to be “nice”, I wanted my work to be “Wow”.


I was recovering  from a string of serious grief provoking circumstances. The loss of my job in 2019 and the  death of my first guide dog in 2020 during the height of the pandemic.  Add the emotional toll my husband and I bore resulting from  the death of my second guide dog in early 2023 and being estranged from our first-born child for the last five years. It is understandable I sought  an avenue of expression which also proved cathartic but did not achieve  the accolades I craved.


The spark of creativity fueled by the last four years of my personal journey was rich in potential themes. How to plumb those depths became my focus.  I trolled the interwebs, found poets and writers who felt equally as stuck. It wasn’t writer’s block, it felt like I’d taken a wrong turn and couldn’t exit the traffic circle.


Thankfully asking others what they might do if faced with a similar creative conundrum, through personal conversations and the interwebs, I formed a plan.


Theoretically I could  submit to as many publishing calls as I fancied but I first had to write the quality poems  editors and journals sought. The next thing was to find poetry writing workshops and focused critique groups  with good mentorship and instruction. A few weren’t the right fit. One  instructor, however, offered a structured critique group and it checked all my boxes.   The groups did not exceed six poets, it was conducted over Zoom, including written commentary and suggestions for each poem submitted and  the sessions were recorded.


During the first session of a series of workshops in 2023 I shared I felt lost creatively and I wanted to unplug the emotions using poetry. The kind and caring attitude of not only the facilitator, john, but also the other poets, lent me the confidence to focus on  capturing the emotions and crafting the imagery and metaphoric language. Being open to constructive and kind feedback from the other poets and providing my own feedback to their poems encouraged me to become more confident and adjust my assumptions regarding the messages poets mean to convey in their quest of expression within their work. What became clear to me was I could address my grief   and the losses I bore using poetic devices I’d previously did not feel practiced enough to employ. Releasing  emotions, experimenting with and validating and recording them on a document healed me from within.


By the end of  2023 I’d completed a few workshops and my writing friends commented positively regarding the shift in style and power of the messages expressed in my work. A second opportunity developed for a second more intimate critique group. Two other poets and I began meeting weekly for a generative fellowship. I loved reading their work. Thanks to their mentorship,  I practiced how to offer kind and concise constructive feedback.  A spark of hopefulness morphed into energetic motivation. I began crafting , improving and sculpting poems evident by the feedback received by both my critique group and those outside it. I was finally getting somewhere.


It’s the end of 2024 and I am happy to share the acceptance rate of my poetry submissions is much improved. The quality of my poems has also improved and my friends and colleagues have noticed. The best part of my development is I feel more in control of my creative effort and it is conveyed in my work with a confidence and flair I willingly share with both poets and those who love reading and benefitting from reading poetry. I discovered other people cared about me and my creative efforts.


John Sibley Williams: John Sibley Williams

Behind Our Eyes Writers with Disabilities:


Find me on bluesky: — Bluesky





Writing to Heal and poetry 📜

| Filed under blogging Poem writing

Being a poet I often write and finish a poem and  shelve it in my mental library. When I pull it out for a poetry reading or some such project, my  reactions are sometimes surprising.


I recently dusted off an older poem about my Dad’s death and it got to me. I read it during a Get What You Need and Feel Good About It podcast.  The confusion, brooding tone and questioning feeling the poem elicited was powerful enough to get me all verklempt  and later the same night  resulted in a few dark dreams.


The poem’s meaning was meant to convey the frustration and helplessness we experience when losing a loved one. But I wonder if readers appreciate it like I do.


The poem, Salutations,  is in my 2020 collection, Words of Life: Poems and Essays. Vincent Lee Gracen narrated it. His performance is haunting and beautifully stark. The intensity of his talented narration evokes the emotions of grief and loss I could not convey and I am grateful he agreed to read it.



By Ann Chiappetta © 2020


Goodbyes were said long ago

Although I couldn’t say why.

A life of 80 years has ended

And with it, the deal making begins

Preceded by melancholy

Preceded by guilt and  denial

And  anger, the funereal umbrella

A Black winged shroud

Flapping and snapping

Refusing to fold.


Preceded by watching my father  slowly die


A young girl’s fractured attachments

Brought on by divorce

A father’s quiescent avoidance

Built the wall in due course.


I know

Sad refrains and death’s bitter dirges

I’ve grieved since  age nine

Of death and dying, what do I really know?

I question

the purity of loss, the sanctity of morning

Because I surely haven’t achieved either

With the solemnity of a widow’s attire

Or baptism by fire

Though I’ve tried.


What I know

Flutters  like film strips

Time lapsed, monochrome, and silent.

In this heart and mind

All there is,

feather on stone

Wind on water


book cover is a contemplative snapshot of a stack of stones each holding one word of the book’s title. To the right is a concentric pattern drawn in the sand.


  • 2013

Click here to listen to Vincent Lee Gracen’s reading of the poem.







Interview on the In Perspective show

| Filed under Fiction novel writing reviews writing


Friday September 6, 2024

5pm Eastern: In Perspective

Featuring Annie Chiappetta, author of “Imperfections”

Sponsored by Branco Events

Listen on ACB Media 5

Say to your Amazon device, “ask ACB Media to play 5.”

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To receive Zoom call-in information please send your name, your email address and your request to receive call-in information to:


More about Ann Chiappetta and her work…


Imperfections by Ann Chiappetta

© 2024 By Ann Chiappetta

For Lainie, feeling unwelcome is only the beginning of her struggles. Her mom is addicted to

painkillers, her stepfather is a felon, and her dad traded her in for a new family.


So what if she’s kicked out of high school? Determined and attractive, Lainie sets out to make

her own path.


Shane, the young man she begins dating and believes is trustworthy, transforms into a

possessive and cruel boyfriend. When Efren, Shane’s older cousin, enters her life, Lainie grasps

onto a sliver of hope, falling in love.


Shane’s obsessive and abusive treatment of her, however, casts a deep shadow over Lainie and

Efren’s chance to find safety and a future free of the fear of Shane’s sadistic retribution.


Will their love persevere, or will Shane’s pervasive and negative influence push Lainie and Efren

apart, forcing them to love secretly?


About the Author


Ann Chiappetta, M.S. Poet and author

Ann’s award-winning poems, creative nonfiction, and essays have appeared internationally in

literary journals, popular online blogs, and print anthologies. Her poems have been featured in

The Avocet, the Pangolin Review, Plum Tree Tavern, Magnets and Ladders, Oprelle, Western PA

Poetry Review 2024and Breath and Shadow. Ann’s short story, The Misty Torrent appeared in

the Artificial Divide anthology published by Renaissance Press (2021).


Ann is the recipient of the 2019 GDUI Excellence in Writing award and the WDOMI 2016 Spirit

of Independence award.


Independently published since 2016, the author’s six volume collection includes poetry,

creative nonfiction essays, short stories and contemporary fiction.


Diagnosed in 1993 with a rare form of progressive retinal disease, Ann accepts vision loss as

part of her life but doesn’t let it define her as a whole person.

Contact Ann by visiting her website:





Just a Trim, Please ✂️

| Filed under writing

It was the right time and the right place. Alfredo’s Salon of hair design stylist, Lisa, knew why I was there.


Five months ago when I wanted to find a hair salon, a friend told me about Alfredo’s.  Lisa listened to me and said to come back in three months. My hair donation had to be at least ten inches long and needed to grow a bit more.


Yesterday was the day. Lisa cut five lengths of hair off my head. I now sport a curly mostly dark brown mop with a drizzle of silver at my temples. I am sure I will get used to my now bare neck feeling exposed.


I did it for cancer survivors and those fighting it. Wherever my hair goes, whomever benefits from it, it is the one best thing I could do besides donating money.  It keeps me humble and grateful  I can make a small contribution to  women and children diagnosed with cancer and honor those I’ve loved and lost to it.


I will be donating to Locks of Love and encourage you to give it a try. My stylist, Lisa, sent me home with my hair and I will package it up and mail it out, adding plenty of prayers and blessings.


Annie standing in driveway with new shorter hair cut. She is smiling and wearing a hot pink shirt.


Annie with short curly hair after donating.

by Ann Chiappetta | tags : | 0

Annie Shares News Summer Sweat V3 Issue 7 😎

| Filed under blogging nonfiction writing

‘Annie Shares News Volume 3 Issue 7 July 2024


Hot and steamy summer greetings from East of Pittsburgh.

😎  🌻  🌄

My first announcement is all my books in eBook formats are on sale for the month of July from Smashwords/D2D. That’s right – all my titles will be available as part of a promotion on Smashwords for the month of July as part of their Annual Summer/Winter Sale! This is a chance to get one of my books, along with books from many other great authors, at a discount so you can get right to reading.


The GEMS Press accepted a second poem, How to Fall Asleep for their next anthology, the release is TBA.


The cover of my new novel, Imperfections (below) is competing for cover of the month for July on .


In other news, I’ve been writing blog posts, interviewing interesting people and writing poetry, essays and reading. I am taking a second  generative small group poetry  workshop in August with John Sibley Williams, who is a wonderful and talented instructor. His fees are reasonable and I’ve learned more about the craft of writing and the publishers who invite poets to submit their work.  I am working harder on the quality of my poetry and hope to publish a full-length collection in 2025 thanks to John and his insightful instruction.


Independence Day is being celebrated  on the fourth of July. Being the wife of a Navy veteran,  I want to thank the veterans and active-duty members with a heartfelt virtual hug and Hoo Rah!. Without our Nation’s military we would not be here today.


Speaking of the military, here’s a great book series I picked up from Crash Dive: the complete series books 1-6 by   Craig DiLouie  It was fascinating, suspenseful and based on true stories of submariners who fought in WWII.

Until next time —






by Ann Chiappetta | tags : | 0

It’s Just a Prick of a Finger, Please sign here 🏡

| Filed under nonfiction writing

It’s Just a Prick of a Finger, Please sign here


Ann Chiappetta, M.S.



It was going to happen, not sure when; we waited for paperwork, online access, more of both until we wanted to scream why did our thirty years of labor and dedication and social security credits seem like it did not matter?


We invested in our future, our property, our nest egg. It did not crack. We held it up, a gilded goose egg birthed with sweat equity. It was a proud moment, being assured we would be able to trade it for a more temperate and quieter climate. We filled the dumpsters with the past, packed our bags with hope, stepped to the curb and trusted the vehicle barreling down the street would stop; we flagged it down, climbed aboard. We flashed our senior passes, panting and massaging our aging and preapproved home buyer mortgage application.  Portable document formats and printers held us hostage. Sign, initial, drip your blood here, swab your cheek and attest to your identity. OMG, will the world disintegrate after we retire to our residence of final destination?


We made it, the golden egg house proof the dream is still achievable. As long as we have food to grow, personal care products and filtered water, we will fade away together, holding hands, serving up reduced sodium meals. We will add chopped micro herbs into the container garden grown vegetables and locally sourced animal flesh. Wine will do . The twilight years, to us, means the years we will enjoy sitting together on the patio of our dreams and absorb the natural and sometimes discordant symphony of  the American Dream.

The picture shows a single-story house with a well-maintained lawn in the foreground. The house has a metal roof with solar panels installed on it. There is a large American flag on a flagpole in the front yard. The house has a combination of brick and siding on the exterior. There is a small patio area with a bench and a potted plant near the entrance. In the background, there are tall trees with green leaves, and the sky is partly cloudy with patches of blue.


Remembering Bailey a poem for NPM

| Filed under blindness Guide dogs Poem

Your Name

Ann Chiappetta


Bathing my life in slobbery joy you

Accepted me unconditionally

If only love could  sustain you and

Let you live forever

Everyone knows a dog named Bailey

Yellow Labrador guiding  my heart

and memories.


For Guiding Eyes Bailey 1BB13 April 2013-March 2024.


Yellow lab Bailey lick's Annie's face. She is laughing.Annie and yellow lab Bailey licking her face

dreaming of a Dog

| Filed under blindness Guide dogs Poem

Double Dreams of My dog

Ann Chiappetta



Dreamt of

My dog’s escape

The door was open

Heartsick I panicked

Searched, begged


for his

return. I watched

all those I   lost

drive off with Mom

Bailey Bailey Bailey

I called


But then

Someone called,  urgently

I have


My hand

Touches the leather

this collar  familiar but

Not my dog

Could this


Dog Be

my future partner

or is it merely

a wishful


Yellow lab Bailey one year old standing at the shor in Maine. Photo taken by his puppy raiser. Bailey died March 16, 2024, he was ten. We miss you buddy.

Yellow lab bailey posed with blue skies and clouds in the background. 





Annie Shares News Spring has sprung! 🌸`

| Filed under writing


Annie Shares News volume 3 Issue 4 April 2024





A sweeping view of the Golden Gate bridge at daytime, the bay spread out below it and the top of its towers bathed in fog. The title is across the top and the author's name is across the bottom.🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸


Spring is in the air, folks! Our neighbor’s cherry blossom tree is in full bloom despite the irregular weather.  Our yard is blessed with dozens of songbirds, rabbits and a few squirrels. The evenings are entertaining, often filled with the haunting of competing hooting owls.  It’s nature’s musical score and we love it.


Goodness, do I have plenty to share, from poetry to novels.

Did you know it’s National Poetry Month?

I will be reading my poem, Riding the Subway for the release of the Western Pennsylvania BARD poets  anthology. I plan to record it and hope to share the performance for my May 2024 newsletter.


My poem, Where the Heart Lives won third place in the Oprelle poetry anthology, the release is yet to be announced.


My first novel, Hope for the Tarnished, is currently in the audio recording studio and should be ready for purchase on Audible in June.


My second novel, Imperfections, released last month, is doing well. The book launch was also in March, here is the link to listen:


Please support Indie authors like me, we love your interest in our books and other types of art.   Sharing this newsletter with someone could mean a reading, writing or appearance to promote my books. 😉

Until next time!



by Ann Chiappetta | tags : | 0