A Weekend to Remember
By Ann Chiappetta M.S. (c)
April 21 – 23, 2017
Tribute to the First Annual Guiding Eyes Continuing Education Seminar
Like many ideas, It began years ago
abstracts based upon the past
concepts blossoming from a common passion.
It was a new idea, unique and untried;
For some, the Challenge instilled apprehension
Perhaps a reason for hesitation
Or for decisions being delayed
For a time, hope came second
As it happened,
Voices united, attitudes changed
Wishes became goals, then actions
The desire to gather together
was no longer waylaid
Human hearts made it happen
To honor Inter-species relationships
The most powerful relationship of all
The spirit of canine propelled us
To the meeting place.
To 3 days of inspiration
36 hours of memories
And laughs to last a lifetime.
exuberant Labradors
Stoic and steady German Shepard’s
80 teams
30 instructors and staff
40 puppy raisers and volunteers
And really good food
Cumulated in achieving
cooperation totaling 150%
And Energy that could not be measured
A coming together
as vibrant as Woodstock but
Not as muddy.
There were dog tangles
Reunions and tears,
Obedience practice, play time
And Challenges including
A hotel that seemed to be built like a corkscrew.
Faces split in smiles lasting hours
Full hearts sharing meals
Imagine a ballroom lined with
Classroom-style tables
A person sits in each chair facing the podium
Beneath each place lies a dog, quiet
Or silent, asleep or awake
Snoring or dreaming
Licking a paw
And these canines
Our eyes
Our joy
Our inspiration
Our independence
Our family
Our reason for being who we are
And the reason why we were all there
Elicits an inner glow, a sense of pride
Or accomplishment, or purpose
We know intimately how well
These dogs gave us the ability to soar
not for only 3 days or 36 hours
but continually.
Our dogs connect us, bonding Hearts and minds
Later, after the reunion
In the afterglow
We will draw upon the link
Recall the shared experience
And, with humble words, thank our dogs.
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